SG Cares on 28Jan12 - Mass Games

We had a good time singing Chinese New Year songs and playing mass games on lunar day 6th..
Thanks to the SG Cares volunteers attended our sat service and hope to see you again.
Here are the photos taken.

CNY Lantern Making - 14 January 2012

Red catchy Ang Bao caught our elderly attention...  Skipped our usual warm up exercises
and they started learning the lantern making steps :D

They sure pick up fast :D

Tadaaaaa, here's a completed nice lantern :D

How about round 2?

Volunteer & our resident elderly taking a shot while halfway doing the lantern :)

Can't wait to have my own lantern :P

Welcoming our new volunteers during debrief!

CNY Songs.. Gong Xi Gong Xi !!

6 Feb - Making of Lucky Fishes