SG Cares Mass Games Activity 18Dec10

A fulfilling and meaningful saturday to spend with the All Saints volunteers and a group of SG Cares volunteers (Led by VL Arthur), with our simple objective to bring care, fun and laughter to the residents by exercising, mass games and going around the 3 levels to sing... Christmas spirit in the air and we also sung several Christmas songs..
The session begun with Kamy doing the volunteer orientation and introduction to All Saints Hougang volunteer group.. Then we have our passionate regular volunteers to lead the new SG Cares newbies on how to interact and play mass games with the residents..
Thanks to all the regulars who joined and helped out in this event..
In return we had delighted smiles and sincere thank you from our beloved old folks, some says "You are great, God blessed you", "you volunteers are so nice to us" which motivate our group to plan forward for a good year 2011 with colorful activities and events..

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011 to all volunteers, residents and staff of All Saints Home!

Volunteers at the International Volunteer Day at Marina Barrage 5Dec10

Photos taken on the International Volunteer Day at Marina Barrage..

Volunteers' Gathering 14 Nov 2010

We had a good volunteer gathering with ice breakers game by Siew Weng.. followed by happy discussion on how to improve our saturday service in All Saints Home.
The activity group consists of (Pauline, Rachel, Angeline, Caleb, Edward, Edmund) while the
Training and Development group consists (Monica, Ben, Kamy, John, Junling, Siew Weng).. More members to join the 2 task force group are welcome.

6 Feb - Making of Lucky Fishes